
lundi 31 octobre 2011

“What irritates you most in a hotel bedroom? The on-suite bathroom

“Cleanliness is next to godliness”, or so you’d think when it comes to hotel on-suite bathrooms. After reading the comments below I feel positively grimy and will make sure I have a good shower before and after I stay in a hotel again !!! Below are some of the comments made by our readers:

Event Peeps: For Live Event Industry Professionals
  • Hair dryers that have the curly cord that is not long enough to enable you to dry the hair on top of your head and no plug near to the mirror in the bedroom to enable you to see whilst you dry your hair!
  • Nothing like cold tile floors and shower tubs/floors to give you athletes feet…. don’t forget your flip flops
  • Drains that don’t drain or plumbing that’s faulty, leaky in a bathroom, There’s nothing Like taking a shower to step out into 3 inches of water due to leaks in plumbing etc….
  • Toilet flushers that you have to push up instead of pressing down (more common in some hotels in the UK – most others around the world seem to have a button).
  • Hotels that don’t provide shower caps. I use the caps to cover the remote control. Too long shower curtains,
  • Water for sale 5 bucks
  • The non-draining shower drain. Showering with water over your ankles.
  • When the toilet tissue has been folded in to a point, what’s that all about?
  • The “not so friendly” temperature control of the shower. I also dread of shower curtains touching me while taking a shower because I never know how clean they are.
  • The Kleenex flower! Seriously – first of all, I don’t want to use Kleenex someone has touched. Secondly, when I really need one, it’s when I’ve sneezed and I have to get past this useless bundle of tissues to get one I can use!
  • I hate the Kleenex flower too; you never know where the maid’s hands have been before they did that. Perhaps they just finished “cleaning” the toilet and then they decide to make a nice Kleenex flower for you. YUCK! I try to avoid using the hotel’s Kleenex at all cost especially if the Kleenex box is sitting near the toilet and all those germs from the toilet floating and landing on the exposed Kleenex. However, if I have to use one I will at least pull 3 of them out and use the 4th one.
  • My pet peeve is shower controls. That knob sticking out of the wall that resembles a Packard hood ornament always operates in a clever and creative way — not exactly matching my mood when I want to step into a shower. And sometimes (I know this sounds weird, but …) I actually like to adjust the temperature while in the shower — without needing an owner’s manual. Here’s an idea … one knob coded red for hot, another one coded blue for cold. That’s it. Simple and effective.
Lire la suite :

Source : Hospitality times

1 commentaire:

  1. J’aime beaucoup cet article car c’est l’opinion du peuple qui compte. Les gens n’aiment pas arriver dans un hôtel quand il n’est pas propre. C’est sûr que si la chambre est visiblement sale, je demanderais au bureau d’accueil pour changer de chambre mais quand ça vient aux problèmes de plomberie lorsque l’on prend une douche ce n’est pas agréable de se baigner dans la saleté des autres.

    Olivia Feeley


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