
vendredi 4 novembre 2011

European cruise industry generates billions

It almost goes without saying ocean cruises these days generate some pretty hefty bucks – in fact, billions of Euros annually, to be exact. And there seems little sign the continued growth of the industry, year-on-year, is in any way, shape or form likely to slow down any time soon, despite the economic hardships being experienced across the world.

Last month, the cruise industry was held up as an example of “European excellence”, with passenger numbers reportedly up by nearly 10% over the last year, and market share during the same period increasing by a staggering 30%, generating more than €35 billion worth of economic benefits.

European Cruise Council chairman Manfredi Lefebvre d’Ovidio, speaking at the Seatrade Europe Cruise & River Cruise Convention in Hamburg, Germany, hailed the excellence of the European cruise industry in terms of growth and economic impact.

But he also appealed to industry, governments, NGOs and the public to pursue a “common objective” to help the cruise industry to continue to grow and lead the economic recovery at a time of economic difficulties.

He said, “Our common objective has to be to protect and nurture this European excellence, which is seriously challenged not only by one of the most serious economic downturns of our era, but also by several very serious threats.”

Mr Lefebvre d’Ovidio made a commitment that the European Cruise Council was determined to work with regulators to tackle the many current challenges to the cruise industry, from environmental issues to piracy. And he appealed for an “intensified dialogue” between the industry and regulators.

“We need Europe to remain a good place to do business, all cruise sector stakeholders – the industry, governments, NGOs and the public – should intensify the dialogue between themselves and with the legislators, in order to achieve the ambitious objective of sustainable growth.”

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Source : ETN

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