
vendredi 28 octobre 2011


Site Teams Up With Family Travel Expert to Find Out Where Families Would Go If Money Was No Object

Travelocity's most recent survey of customers found having kids doesn't have to mean the end of travel. In fact, it turns out families who travel with children are more likely to have dream vacations planned than those respondents who do not.

88 percent of respondents to the survey have a dream trip they would take if money was no object. Of those, the majority (60 percent) stated that having an authentic, local experience was what mattered most on their dream trip. The other 40 percent said it was more important to experience the best service possible.

"It's telling that families who travel with children are more likely to have dream trips in mind than those who don't travel with kids," said Eileen Ogintz, family travel expert and author of the weekly syndicated column Taking the Kids. "They want to show children the world and know travel is the most wonderful gift you can give a young person. What families may not realize is their travel dreams are far more attainable than they may think."

In terms of the type of trip parents would like to take with their children, a tour of a foreign city came in on top with 37 percent of the vote. The second-most popular choice was relax on a beach (22 percent), followed by take a cruise (18 percent), visit a theme park (12 percent) and see exotic wildlife (11 percent).

"Given the fact that parents named having a local experience and touring a foreign city as key factors of their family dream trip, it's no surprise that Europe was the number-one destination they would pick," said Genevieve Shaw Brown, Editorial Director at Travelocity. "Fall is a perfect time to explore Europe, with lovely weather and fewer crowds. Top that off with cheap flights and hotel deals that don't exist in the summer months and suddenly a dream vacation is within reach."

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